
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Dragon Guardian Codes

I have created a new Resin cast pendant and pocket stones using all four of the Dragon stone elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Adding Molybdenite, Copper, Silver and Gold Flake with Shungite and Selenite to amplify all the energies. This combination also allows us to transmute negative energies that enter your auric field. These are perfect to wear, carry or use in grid work to totally integrate with the Dragon codes and energies of our ancient first Teachers, friends and families.

The Fire Dragons Energy is anchored in the stone Lava and is like a burning fire that dwells within our souls; it gives us the strength to fight for the things we believe in, even when it feels like the odds are stacked against us. This power house of energy transmutes the situation against you into a tidal wave of positive energy that is working for you; allowing you to turn dreams and goals into reality. It will consume burn up and dissipate any energy that comes against your goals; fire does not know fear or self-doubt. The energy emitted by the Earthly side of the Fire Dragon stone remains grounded in truth and love, inspired by compassion and rooted in spiritual longing.

The Earth Dragons Energy is anchored in the stone Phyllite;  a gift from Ancient Earth and is extremely protective of its keepers; this is the stone the Green Earth Dragons of Lemuria have chosen as an anchor for their energies. Many legends have depicted Dragons as evil and aggressive, this is simply not true! They are a peaceful race of intelligent beings from an ancient planet located in our Andromeda region of the Universe. This stone seems to open a connection, a channel of communication with the Dragon people. It also offers us a way to gather and hold more light within our physical bodies, allowing us to strengthen our ethereal bodies of light. I believe that when our light bodies are stronger we are happier, healthier and more in tune with our spiritual paths. If you feel the call to bring one of these stones into your home to work with, you are remembering your roots as an ancient Lemurian and your vow to help anchor the light of the new era on our world.

The Water Dragons energy is anchored in the Black Amphibole Hornblende Stone; a Dragon Scale stone that enhances, Strengthens and protects the family structure. The intense black color absorbs all light particles that fall upon it creating a shield around all those you hold dear in your heart. Use the energy from this ancient and precious stone to amplify your dimensional awareness, to restore memories from long ago, to draw more light frequency into your home and body, to create a field of energy abundance that helps you create the circumstances of life you want to live within. Once you are connected to your personal Water dragon, you can call upon your ancient companion anytime you need assistance or guidance. The Water Dragons are here at this time to bring in the Season of Light. To reunite with their ancient friends and family that are currently incarnated on Earth. Over the next few years they will be assisting all who are ready to make that transitional leap into the next level of evolution. Helping them assimilate more light within their human bodies and their personal surrounding. The more light we can anchor here on Earth, the stronger the Light Grid will become, this benefits everyone~

The White Air Dragons energy is anchored in the White Limestone… We the White Dragons of Loga are here to call forth our precious children. Those original ancient Souls that chose us as their first teacher/parents! We want our children to remember their heritage and know this…You are already well on your path, you have felt your calling deep within your soul, you know your purpose and you know the time is now! You have been quickening and cleansing and powering up your abilities, you have been fine tuning your energy skills… you are ready dear ones! Reclaim your tools and join your Dragon family’s work. It is time to change the frequency of this planet and you each have a special part to play in this. You are loved beyond expression, you are complete just as you are, you are strong, honorable and accomplished! You are of the Dragon Heart Code!

Creative Commons License
The Dragon Guardian Energy Codes by Victoria Lenning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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